J.J. Acton
The Southern Democrat, 21 Feb 1907
In Memory of Brother J.J. Acton
J.J. Acton was born in Shelby county, Ala., February 7th, 1840; died at his home in Blount county, near Blountsville, Ala., Dec. 21, 1906. Professed religion at New Hope Presbyterian church in Shelby county, at 18 years old; lived a consistent member in the same until the year 1893, when he joined Southern Methodist church at Enterprise in Blount county, Ala., remained in the same until his death. He joined the Confederate Army as captain of the 20th Alabama regiment company F in 1861 and served until close of war when he was discharged with honor in 1865. He joined the Independent Order of Oddfellows at Arkadelphia Lodge May 4th, 1904. In the death of brother Acton the town of Blountsville and surrounding country has lost one of its best citizens and Blountsville lodge No. 100 loses one of its best members and we, as a lodge, bow in humble submission to the will of him that doeth all things well. The family has lost a faithful and true husband and father. Though we are deprived of his presence and society here we will still cherish his memory and emulate his virtues and bury his imperfections beneath the clods. Resolved. That a copy of this tribute of respect be sent to The Southern Democrat for publication, a copy be sent to the family of the deceased and a copy be spread on the minute book of the lodge. W.S. Tidwell, W.P. McDonald, A.L. Bains, Committee.