Mrs. Nancy J. Brice
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Blount County Journal, 6 Oct 1911
Mrs. Nancy J. Brice
After an illness of several months Mrs. Nancy Jane Brice passed peacefully away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M.M. Crowe in Oneonta, on last Tuesday evening at the hour of 7:50. Nancy Jane Brice, nee (Lamb) was born in Cherokee county, Georgia, May 25, 1840. In 1855 she was married to William Wortfield Brice. To this marriage seven children were born, all of whom survive her. Mrs. Brice, who since childhood had made her home in Blount county, the latter years of her life having been spent in Oneonta, was a true Christian woman. She professed religion when quite young, and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. She was a deeply spiritual and consecrated Christian, delighting to talk of the things of God. She was a good wife and a loving and devoted mother, a kind and considerate neighbor. She visited the sick, poor and needy as long as she was physically able to do so, and was ready at all times to make any sacrifice to supply their wants. She bore her affliction with grace and Christian fortitude. Not a murmur through all her sickness. She was always patient and perfectly submissive to God's will. The funeral services were held at Lebanon church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Revs. George Hullett and A.J. Brand, and in the midst of a large concourse of friends and loved ones, her remains were tenderly laid to rest by the side of her husband who preceded her to the Great Beyond several years ago. To the sorrowing children, Messrs. J.A. and M.W. Brice, of Oneonta, Joe D. Brice, of Snead, W.R. Brice, of Island Grove, Fla., Mrs. M.M. Crowe, of Oneonta, Mrs. David Strickland, of Bremen, Ga., and Mrs. J.M. Hood, of Denver, Colorado, we join countless friends in extending our deep and heartfelt sympathy.