Mrs. Polly Bullard
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Blount County Journal, 29 Mar 1918
In Memory of Mrs. Polly Bullard
On February 27th, 1918, Mrs. Polly Bullard departed this life. She was born and reared in Blount county; was the oldest daughter of John Cappeak; was married to B.F. Bullard at the age of 16 years. To this happy union was born twelve children—three of whom have preceded her to the great beyond. She leaves an aged companion, nine children, forty grand-children and three great-grand-children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. She professed a hope in Christ at the age of 16 and joined the Baptist church, in which she lived a devoted Christian for 50 years. She had been in declining health for some time, but her death came as a terrible shock to her husband, children and friends, as she was sick only a short time—dying almost suddenly. She was loved by all who knew her; had such a sweet disposition. She met every one with a smile; always ready to help in time of need—never turning away those who came to her for help. We have lived near her for six years and she was so good and kind to us. It seems so hard to give her up. We miss her so much; the home has a vacant place hat no one but mother can fill but we feel sure she is with Jesus enjoying the blessings of heaven and why should we weep for God doeth all things well, and it pleased Him to remove her from our midst. May God help us to trust in the same God she trusted so faithful, and one day we shall see her again. What a happy meeting that will be when we shall all meet her again and live with Jesus ever more. Written by her loving daughter-in-law. Dollie Bullard.