Ed Martin
Submitted by Diane Bryant
Ed Martin, of route 5, Oneonta, died in a Birmingham hospital at early hour Wednesday morning as the result of injuries in an automobile accidentally Sunday night.
Mr. Martin was about 25 years of age and is survived by widow, three children, one brother, Dave Martin, of route 5, Oneonta, and one sister who lives in Mississippi.
The accident which caused his death occurred on the highway between Pinson and East Lake. It is said that he was driving along the highway when the lights from an approaching car blinded him and he drove his car off an embankment and struck a telephone pole.
He insisted that he was not hurt and returned to his home. He became violently ill Monday night and a physician was called early Tuesday morning. An examination revealed that the skull was fractured and congestion had set up. He was rushed to a Birmingham hospital, but too late to save him.
Mr. Martin was a good, hardworking farmer and had many friends in the community where he lived.
The funeral services were held at Antioch cemetery Tuesday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. Velt Waid.