Jenira Fields
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 5 May 1904
Jenira Fields was born in 1815, died Dec. 12, 1903, being 88 years of age. In 1830 she was married to Rev. James Fields, a pioneer Baptist preacher of this country. She was the mother of nine children, four of whom are still living. She was converted in early life and united with the Missionary Baptist church about the year 1840 and was a faithful member until her death. Resolved, That in the death of Grandma Fields, as she was usually called, the church has sustained a great loss. We feel that our loss is her eternal gain. She was a great stake in the church and was always in her place if she was able to get there. She was always interested in the church and its success. She was a woman of strong mind, bold to speak her convictions on all subjects. She was ready to talk on religion at all times. She was a power in the church, and her able prayers and her talks in the prayer meeting will long be remembered by all who knew her. A few hours before her death she called the boarding boys into her room and asked them to sing for her. They sang, “The Great Judgment Day Is Coming.” She was made happy in the love of God and rejoined until she breathed her last. It can be said of Grandma, “Blessed are they that die in the Lord for their works do follow them.” Resolved, That the above be published in the county papers and also in the Alabama Baptist. Done by order of the Blountsville Baptist Church Blount County, Ala., this 6th day of April, 1904. I.T. Stephens, W.M. Cole, Committee.