Mrs. Mary J. Hendricks
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 5 May 1904
Mrs. Mary J. Hendricks, aged 64 years, died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. B.E. Hallmark, at Swansea last Friday afternoon. She had been in ill health for quite a while and her death had been expected for more than a week. She was a good christian woman and for more than a half a century had been a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist church. She was one of the old landmarks of this county having been born and raised near where she died. The remains were laid to rest in Clear Springs Cemetery surround assembled by the largest crowd ever at that place on such an occasion. The casket in which Mrs. Hendricks was buried was purchased with a gold coin which came to her from her father's estate and which had been in her possession for more than thirty years. We are requested by Mr. Wilson, son-in-law of the deceased, to say that the family and relatives are profoundly grateful for the many kindnesses shown them and the assistance rendered during the illness and death of their loved one.