Submitted by Terry Jackson
The Southern Democrat
Oneonta, Alabama
Thursday, July 4, 1907
Rev. John A. Mathison Dead
Rev. John A. Mathison, an able divine of the North Alabama Conference of
the M.E. Church, South, died at his home in Lincoln, Monday morning July
1st after undergoing an operation for appendicits.
It will be remembered that Mr. Mathison was married to Miss Vessie
Davidson, daughter of Dr. A.S. Davidson, of Selfville, about two years ago.
He was pastor of the Methodist Church at Lincoln and was held in very
high esteem by his people. His remains were brought to Oneonta for
interment and were accompanied by Rev. J.L. Mathison and wife of Ozark;
A.L. Mathison, of Waterloo; Dr. J.W. Newman, Presiding Elder of the
Talladega District; Rev. J.T. Terry of Easonville and the official board
of his church composed of A.H. Crawford, G.L. Schmidt, W.D. Davis, W.L.
Hollingsworth, J.W. Crawford and J. Harwell Wilson, who acted as
pall-bearers, also by Misses Sudie Schmidt and Lula Crawford of the Home
Mission Society.
The funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church by Rev. W.L.
Hendericks assisted by Revs. Newman and Wilson, after which the remains
were conveyed to the new cemetery east of Oneonta.
Although Mr. Mathison was only 28 years of age he was considered one of
the leading young ministers of the conference and great things seemed to
be in store for him. It is sad to give up one whose influence for good
among men was just dawning, who by his station in life was so well
calculated to spread abroad the blessings of godly living. Yet, "He that
doeth all things well, makes no mistakes," and we humbly bow to his will.
While the silence of death wraps and chills the relatives and friends at
this moment, memories, sweet and precious come crowding in.