Mr. & Mrs. Josh Sullins
Submitted by Diane Bryant
Josh Sullins And Wife Pass Away
About one month ago, the death angle visited the home of Josh Sullins and claimed as its victim his precious wife. This was indeed sad news to us. She had been in bad health for several years, and sometime in November the dreaded disease, influenza attacked her and she succumbed to the monster in a few days. Aunt Ann was indeed a good woman and to know her was to love her. Her demise brought sorrow to the devoted husband and children. She was a true Christian woman-always attending to her own affairs. She bore her long suffering patiently-never grumbling or complaining-everything was well with her. Aunt Ann was born and reared near Royal and has many friends here. Several years ago they moved to Hanceville, where she made many friends. The lose of a mother is a trying ordeal for children to undergo. I can sympathize from the depth of my heart. Those who have had to give up mother have realized the pang. O, how sad and heart rending it is to give up mother. How sad it is to all of us to know Aunt Ann is gone-gone but not forgotten. Her influence will ever live. How sad and lonely is the home without her. It was always a pleasure to visit their home. She always made one feel so much at home, and was so kind and devoted to Uncle Josh and the children. On December 24th, God saw fit to call dear Uncle Josh. He too was a victim of influenza. His death was indeed a month since the dear old man stood by the bed-side of dear Aunt Ann and bid her farewell-but for only a few weeks. Uncle Josh was well-known to the people of Royal as this was his old home, and he had many friends here and at Hanceville. He was an old Confederate veteran and was wounded in the right arm. He was such a dear old man-honest, up right in every way, and there never was a harder working man or a more honest-hearted man than was dear Uncle Josh. He always used axiom “attend to your own business,” and he was such a good neighbor, kind and good to the sick and distressed. He was generous and hospitable as far as his means would permit.