Mrs. Jenny Turley
Submitted by Diane Bryant
(2 Nov 1944)
Mrs. Jenny Turley, 69, died at her home on Route 3, Blountsville on
Sunday, Oct 22nd. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Professing a belief at the age of 14, she had lived a good, Christian life ever since.
Surviving are, 1 son, H.C. Turley, Route 1 Horton; two daughters, Mrs. Lula Osborne, Route 3, Blountsville, and Mrs. Rena Light, Route 3, Oneonta; one sister, Mrs. Susie Elgin of Route 3 Blountsville; one uncle, and a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at Wynnville on Tuesday, October 24th and were conducted by Revs. J.E. Herring and Andrew Oden. Drinkard in charge of arrangements.