Please contact Linda Vixie for the cd request only.
Title: Volume 1 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of the Monument, CO Cemetery
Pages: 138
Binding: softbound
Price: $10 + $2 s/h
Description: Monument, CO - 178 entries
Title: Volume 2 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of the Peyton, CO Cemetery
Pages: 76
Binding: softbound
Price: $10 + $2 s/h
Description: Peyton, CO - 380 entries
Title: Volume 3 - Tombstone
Inscriptons of NE El Paso Co. CO Cemeteries
Pages: 161
Binding: softbound
Price: $12 + $2 s/h
Description: Calhan Memorial; National Slovak Society (Juris); Myers - 851
total entries
Title: Volume 4 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of NW El Paso Co. CO Cemeteries
Pages: 187
Binding: softbound
Price: 12 + $3 s/h
Description: Church at Woodmoor Columbarium; Mt. St. Francis; St. Benedict;
St. Matthias; U.S. Air Force Academy - 1001 total entries
Title: Volume 5 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of the Fairview Cemetery at Colorado Springs
Pages: 920
Binding: softbound
Price: $30 + $4 s/h
Description: Colorado Springs, CO - approximately 6000 entries
Title: Evergreen Cemetery 1856 - to
October 1972
Pages: 710
Binding: softbound
Price: $30 + $4 s/h
Description: Colorado Springs, CO - approximately 49,000 entries
Title: Volume 6 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of Crystal Valley Cemetery at Manitou Springs
Pages: 465
Binding: softbound
Price: Out of Print
Description: Manitou Springs, CO - over 2500 entries
Title: Volume 7 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of Fairview Cemetery at Fountain
Pages: 209
Binding: softbound
Price: $10 + $3 s/h
Description: Fountain, CO - over 1000 entries
Title: Volume 8 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Mausoleum at Colorado Springs
Pages: 506
Binding: softbound
Price: $20 + $3 s/h
Description: Colorado Springs, CO - over 8600 entries
Title: Volume 9 - Tombstone
Inscriptions of Some Small Cemeteries in El Paso County, CO
Pages: 239
Binding: softbound
Price: $10 + $3 s/h
Description: Covers 39 small cemeteries & columbariums - over 1700 entries
Title: Tombstone Inscriptions of El
Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado -CD
Pages: One CD
Price: $10 (includes s/h)
Description: Contains 84,000 names, inscriptions, maps, photos, and includes
information on 71 burial sites in the two counties. It includes all
information for the 10 PPGS cemetery books plus the Evergreen Cemetery book.
Requires Windows 95 or higher.
Title: Tombstone Inscriptions of
Teller County, Colorado
Pages: 500
Binding: softbound
Price: $20 + $3 s/h
Description: Covers 18 cemeteries with about 8,000 entries. Indexes known
burial sites and other available death records. Includes historic cemeteries
of old mining towns of Cripple Creek and Victor.
Mail book requests to: Pikes Peak Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1262, Colorado Springs, CO 80901. Make checks payable to PPGS.
Contact J Richards for questions on cemetery books.
If you have comments or suggestions, email Sundee Maynez,