Honor Roll World War II Dead/MIA & Prisoners

Newspaper unknown but probably the Longmont Ledger or Longmont Times. Possibly Nov. 1946 (Boulder County, Colorado). This is a list of Longmont Community Soldiers, who died, missing in action, or prisoners of war. Since Longmont is located near the county line borders of Boulder and Weld counties, many of the people named here were actually from Weld County. Original newspaper article in possession of Historic Highlandlake, Inc. Used with permission.

Dead (91)
Missing In Action
Prisoners (All Released)

Acosta, Fred
Alberts, Charles F.
Allen, George R.
Allen Robert
Barnsley, Dan, Jr.
Beckerr, Rexford E. Jr.
Bence, William
Beresford, Floyd
Bickel, Eugene
Biederman, Robert J.
Brossman, Richard E.(died Feb. 28, 1946)
Brown, Marion T.
Campbell, James"Carter, Eugene
Carter, Fred
Chandler, Lee A.
Clark, Wilbur R.
conover, Leland
Cook, Rea
Cortez, Monico J.
Cubbage, Wayne E.
Cushman, Hobart, Jr.
Davies, Albert H.
Deccunick, Albert
Derr, Glen
Dougherty, James
Dulany, Robert
Edmonds, Bert
Ereckson, E.H.
Fuhrman, James
Garrison, Donald G.
Gerstner, Willliam
Gray, Verne
Griffith, Chester C.
Guse, Leonard
Hammans, Robert R.
Hanson, Martin
Harris, David
Hartman, Robert W.
Hartman, Warren M.
Hauck, Bob
Heath, Alfred
Hergenreder, Andrew
Herring, Curtis
Hervey, M. I.
Hinton, Lloyd
Hodgson, Alfred
Huffman, Dale
Jersild, Howard
Jones, Charles
Keen, Joe
Kellogg, George E.
Kidd, Merrill R.
Kirkpatrick, Howard
Kistner, Henry V.
Kratzer, John L.
Kroulik, Harry
Kopplin, Walter
Lackey, James
Lawley, Alvin
Leitz, Arthur P.
Litzenberger, Ed
Maakestad, Rolf H.
Martenson, Willard
Mathews, John E.
Miller, Ralph Guy
Morrell, Lloyd
Montour, Frederick
Murchison, Rob R.
Murphy, Albert Ernest
Payne, Robert H.
Pedigo, Robert
Peters, John W.
Powers, Theodore
Price, Gerald
Roberts, Verdun
Rothe, Alex
Schommer, Mervin
Slater, John H.
Stedman, Aldro J.
Stenborn, Harry
Stevens, Max
Thomas, Wm. Dwayne
Todd, Theodore
Vogel, Konstanten J.
Wagner, Walter
Waed, Donald M.
Webster, Morris
Brown, Delmar
Bustamante, Frederick
Campbell, Jerome
Conradson, Gordon R.
Hardesty, Claude
Heller, Gene
Herrin, Robert
Mingus, Gail
Oliphant, Donald
Rodgers, Jay G.
Sanderson, C.R.
Schauer, Howard
Townsend, Charles
While, Russell

Armstrong, Aubrey P.
Campbell,C. L.
Carney, Glenn O.
Cubbage, Walter G.
Davis, Charles J.
Dirks, Fred H.
Elkins, Howard K.
Gomez, Joe
Goll, Gilbert
Harvey, Dale
Hogsett, Vernon
Kelly, J. J.
Marsh, Don
Martin, Guy Nathaniel
Myrick, James W.
Newton, Robert
Peele, Lloyd
Pozun, Matt
Skinner, J. B.
Tilley, Estell
Tinker, Edward E.
Zlaten, Alexander

This page was updated on April 9, 2011

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