could be considered America's most unusual state as it often seems like an exotic, foreign land. The State of Hawaii is an archipelago, or chain of islands, located in the Central Pacific, south of Alaska, north of Tahiti, and 2,300 miles from the Continental United States. The state encompasses nearly all of the volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which is made up of 132 islands and atolls that extend over 1,500 miles. Of these, the eight largest islands are considered the "main islands" and are located at the southeastern end of the archipelago. Although when we think of Hawaii we usually only think of the 6 major islands: O'ahu, Mau'i, Kaua'i, Hawai'i (known as the Big Island), Moloka'i, and Lana'i. Kahoolawe is nearly uninhabited) and Niihau is privately owned.
Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another. Lush, green forests, beautiful, white beaches, sparkling waterfalls, brilliant, fragrant flowers, craggy cliffs, and mountains all grace the islands. Here Polynesian sensuality, American pragmatism, and Oriental exoticism weave a tapestry of cultural extremes.
This site is a central point of entry to independent
not-for-profit web sites with local historical or genealogical
content. Although independent, this site is affiliated with the
American Local History Network. To learn more about this project,
click here.
I am Colleen, State Coordinator for this portion of the ALHN.
es, this site is still under construction ~ and
probably will be for a long time. However, what you're currently
viewing is THE last redesign and now, a lot of material will begin
to be added. Many links are not working yet as the pages are not
ready. Please check back frequently to
see how I'm doing.
*** Note...
do not live in Hawai'i and am unable to help you with local research.
ntil we have local research volunteers listed
at this site, you should contact the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness website at http://www.raogk.org. They have volunteers who have offered to help researchers with local research in their respective counties. Often the work is done for little to no compensation. It's likely you'll find someone that can help you.
f you have anything to contribute, any suggestions
for inclusion on the site, or simply want to send a friendly
greeting, please
email me! I'd love to hear from you.
This page was last updated:
Monday, 17 Dec 2007 23:05:42 MST