The News
Frederick, Maryland
Sunday, August 29, 1896
Flames Break Out Afresh and Consume the Temporary Structures.
Milwaukee, Aug. 29. --Dispatches received from Ontonagon, Mich., last night
say that fires broke out yesterday afternoon, and fanned by high winds
threatened to destroy the temporary buildings and tents as well as the few
structures that escaped the conflagration of Tuesday night. Several
hundred men battled the flames for several hours and finally fought them back.
The situation at Ontonagon outside of the destitution and suffering is described
as serious.
In digging in the ruins of burned saloons large quantities of liquor was
found and scores of men became intoxicated. This element has ruled affairs
with a high hand, and the citizens are in terror of life and property. The
hoodlum element has interfered with the distribution of relief supplies, and so
serious has the situation become that the relief committee determined on calling
on the governor for troops to do guard duty. The confusion is so great
that there is no possibility that the disorganized authorities can preserve
order and guarantee protection to the thousands who are homeless and
At midnight a telegram was received saying that Rockland, the village south
of Ontonagon from which relief work at the burned town has been directed, is
threatened with destruction by forest fires. The woods are in flames near
the town and driven by a high wind are approaching the suburbs. A large
force of men are fighting the fire. |