Gogebic County exudes a strong sense of place. During the 1880s, a
mining boom lured settlers, investment, and controversy. Investors
from Milwaukee, Chicago, and Cleveland hoped to become rich, but
many were pulled into scams or poorly managed mines and ended up
losing their money. After iron stocks crashed, mining investors were
more cautious. Many mining locations were abandoned, but towns such
as Ironwood, Bessemer, and Wakefield grew. For over 80 years, iron
mining gave the Gogebic Range distinctive ethnicity and settlement
patterns resulting in its unique cultural landscapes. Early mining
memories of the region continue to live on.
The physical setting enhances the drama of the Gogebic. Lake-effect
snowfall results in picturesque yet harsh winters with big snow.
waterfalls add excitement, beauty and grace. This county is
westernmost in Michigan's beautiful upper peninsula. It is bordered
by the state of Wisconsin on the south and west sides. Northward
lies Lake Superior and Ontonagon County. Iron County, Michigan is to
the east.
Hostess Notes
This website is being maintained by Colleen Pustola. If you have
anything to contribute, any suggestions for inclusion on the site,
or simply want to send a friendly greeting, justemail
love to hear from you.
If you have
material you'd like to add to this site, pleasecontact
me. Submissions of family
trees, biographies, photos, obituaries, newspaper clippings, etc.
are all requested.
Please join the Michigan Trails to the Past project and help us to
help you. Our Michigan State Administrator isJan
Cortez. Many counties are
available for adoption. To adopt a Michigan county please contact
Notices 1. I do not
live in Michigan and am therefore unable to assist with local research.
2. A search engine is on the Research page.