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Jay Em Cemetery

Forest Mound Chapel and Cemetery Association
Section 25, Township 29N, Range 63W
Submitted by Randy G. Eutsler

Location : Turn west off highway on Jay Em turnoff until you reach the end of the street. Turn South over a wooden bridge across Rawhide Creek. Just across the bridge turn East on another dirt road. The Cemetery is on a knoll with a wooden fence, it also has rock and granite pillars at the entrance, and iron gates. The entrance is toward the north. The graves run in North and south rows; it has been well cared for and the and very few unmarked graves.


Note : This info was extracted from a pamphlet Randy found while looking through the many volumes of local history at the Public Library in Torrington, Goshen Co., Wyo. The pamphlet contains the research done by Sharon Lass Field, 30 May 1973, 5005 Greybull, Cheyenne, WY 82001.

History (as reported by Sharon Field) : The cemetery was started in 1918, when Lake Harris built a mausoleum for the Harris family. The mausoleum and the Church/Chapel and both made of native stone. The trees were transplanted, consisting of mostly Pine and Cedar. One spring there was a flood that rose and covered the southeast corner of the cemetery; however there was only 1 grave covered, it was the Rajda grave (it was unmarked at the time). There was no damage to the other surrounding stones. The official name for the cemetery is : Forest Mound Chapel and Cemetery Association. The people of the Jay Em community have done very well in keeping their little town attractive to visitors, and the cemetery is in excellent condition for a town of their small population. Lake Harris donated the land for a playground and picnic park across the Rawhide Creek (which never runs dry) for children while the parents pay their respects and work in the cemetery. I thought it interesting and unusual three ministers chose to be buried in this little cemetery.

History (add in by Randy Eutsler) : I have also visited this cemetery many times over the past 3 decades . But the most recent was about 1993. Still very well cared for ... I also have met some of the older residents that have moved on to other areas, but still return to share in their turn in keeping up the cemetery.

GRAVE STONE READINGS : (many stones here made from red granite)

Vondra, Joseph M.    1894 - 1955    (Veteran Marker beside this grave)

Vondra, Hattie G.    1902 - ----        (wife of Joseph M. Vondra)

Porter, Marie Ann    14 Oct 1884 - 25 Dec 1967    (wife of Rolla Edgar Porter)

Porter, Rolla Edgar    30 Nov 1884 - 14 Dec 1942  (husband of Marie Ann Porter)

Hooper, Jessie G.    1876 - 1947  (wife of Thomas Hooper)

Hooper, Thomas    1878 - ----   (husband of Jessie G. Hooper)

Barnett, Gaspar C.    1885 - 1943  (brother to Richard Barnett)

Barnett, Richard    1878 - 1947   (brother to Gaspar C. Barnett)

Barnette, Sue (Shoults)    1885 - 1951   (wife of Richard Barnett)

Schloatman, Ralph    (unmarked in 1973, wife : Esther (Vondra) Schloatman

(Cement Cross - No Writing) Note via Inez Benshoof - "this is the grave of J. L. & Mabel Vondra."

Vondra, J. L.    1892 - 1970

Vondra, Mabel M.    1892 - 1943

Vondra, James J.    1918 - 1939 (note : J. L. and Mabel were husband and wife, James their son)

Kirchhifer, Andrew    7 Jul 1946 or 48 (metal Mortuary Marker; Andrew was uncle to Fred and brother to Herman.

Kirchhefer, Christina    1870 - 1936   Mother   (wife of Herman Kirchhefer)

Kirchhefer, Herman    1869 - 1939    Dad    (husband of Christina Kirchhefer)

Shoults, Olive A. (Bailey)    1890 - 1972     (Metal Mortuary Marker in 1973; wife of J. A. Shoults)

Shoults, James Alan    1891 - 1 Aug 1973    (J. A. & Olive were parents of Thelma Harris & Donald Shoults; James was the brother of Sue Barnette)

Shoults, Donald Everet    1920 - 1937    (son of J. A. & Olive Shoults)

Young, Cecil    1928 - 1929    (father: A. J. Young, mother: Vivian Campbell)

Jordon, Henry    1868 - 1944    (husband of Rebecca J.)

Jordon, Rebecca J.    1870/72 - 1942   (marker says 1870..wife of Henry Jordon)

Horton. REV. John C.    1873 - 1920  

Horton, Ellen H.    1880 - 1952    (wife of REV. John C. Horton)

Morris, "baby"    (Our Darling; father: A. F. Morris, mother: ----- Steele)

Glandt, Frances L.     1916 - 1939    (footstone: wife)

Glandt, Peter L.    1873 - 1951    (footstone: father)

Glandt, Katharina    1872 - 1928    (footstone: mother)

Glandt, Julius J.    d. 4 Mar 1963 (age: 67; Peter and Katharina husband and wife, Frances L. was their daughter-in-law. Julius J. was son of Peter and Katharina)

Browder, REV. James F.    1848 - 1931    (husband)

Browder, Nancy Anna    1858 - 1940    (wife)

Browder, William O.    24 Nov 1878 - 2 Feb 1961    (son of James F. & Nancy Anna Browder)

Moyer, {infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Moyer}    (note: mother named Ruth)

Threlkend, John B.    1857 - 1922    (husband of Margaret E.)

Threlkend, Margaret E.    1857 - 1949    (wife of John B.)

Murphy, Freda Charlotte  : (stone made of cement with the following scratched into it)

of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira
born May 28, 1922
died Mar 29, 1923
age 10 mo and 1 day


Allen, Jerry P.    1849 - 1932    (husband of Viola (Samson) Allen {1st wife}, husband of Amanda M. (Samson-Killam) Allen {2nd wife}) - Jeremiah P. Allen was my gg-grandfather.

Hoy, Eugene F.    May 9, 1921 - Apr 11, 1926 (father: Stanley Hoy)

LENZ (stone with "I Know That My Redeemer Livith")

Lenz, Maria    1853 - 1933    (footstone: Mother)

Lenz, Henry    1846 - 1926    (footstone: father)

Lenz, Bruno    1881 - 1961    (footstone: "Bruno"; Bruno was the son of Maria & Henry)

Baby : (behind the above 3 gravestones above, in the same stone as footstones is marker with "Baby". This would mark the grave of Maria & Henry Lenz's grandchild (girl) Marvin & Hermine Cornett's child)

Bradbury, Winifred M.    1880 - 1927    (wife of William)

Bradbury, William W.    1871 - 1934    (husband of Winifred)

Dixon, Thomas Henry    1855 - 1940    (footstone: Father)

Bird, Russell    1914 - 1969    (footstone: Russell)

Bird, Virgil    1921 - 1941    (footstone: Virgil)

Bird, Eldora    1879 - 1953    (footstone: Eldora)

Bird, Chester    1876 - 1963    (footstone: Chester)

(note : The above 4 graves share a common headstone that has their surname BIRD on it; Eldora and Chester were husband and wife, and Russell and Virgil their sons.)

Clingman, Lucille    1915 - 1921    (daughter of James and Louise)

Clingman, Harold    1919 - 1937    (son of James and Louise)

Clingman, Louise V.    1884 - 1972    (wife of James)

Clingman, James A.    1875 - 1957    (husband of Louise)

Allen, Amanda M. (Samson-Killam)   1842 - 1929    (2nd wife of Jerry P. Allen)

Scheer, Irene M.    wife of David Foote  1904 - 1929

Scheer, Rosa A.    1877 - 1963

Scheer, Louie H.    1877 - 1964

Scheer, George son of LH and Rosa    1900 - 1919    (note: Rosa and Louie husband and wife; Irene and George their children)

Bradeen, Verna C.  wife of M. F.    1892 - 1919     (Marvin, husband also buried beside her with no marker)

Leavitt, Lucius    1855 - 1929  his wife     Leonora    1859 - 19__

Meeker, Robert    1928 - 1945    (grandson of Bina and Henry)

Meeker, Bina S.    1855 - 1941    (wife of Henry)

Meeker, Henry A.    1855 - 1934    (husband of Mina)

Meeker, Kenton    1932 - 1933    (grandson of Bina and Henry)

Jewett, (Mother)    1883 - 19__

Jewett, (Father)    1889 - 19__

Jewett, Steven    1922 - 1935    (note: father of Steven is Merle Jewett)

Benshoof, Rozella Day    1869 - 1932

Benshoof, Perry F.    1865 - 1956   (note; Rozella's maiden name was Bennett, both were born in Bluegrass, Iowa)

Green, E. Olivia    1893 - 1933    (headstone: Mother)

Green, Calvin, C.    1886 - 1965    (headstone: Father)

Jesdinsky, Martha    1882 - ____

Jesdensky, Henry (REV)    1881 - 1955

Finney, Thelma May    July 13, 1933 - Febr 2, 1934    (child of Frank Finney)

Pugsley, Eunice    1894 - 1939  mother    (metal marker says Eunice Belle-- 1st wife of Archie L.)

Pugsley, Archie L.    1893 - 1963

Pugsley, Margaret    1900 -1962    (Margaret 2nd wife of Archie Pugsley)

Hubbard, Bernice    1936 - 1936    (child of Oscar & Bernice A.)

Rejda, Charley    Jul 25, 1885 - Jan 4, 1941    (bro. to Fred)

Lingenfelder, Theodore    Nov 11, 1881 - Mar 16, 1945



Young, G. A.    (buried in Alley Way)

Brown, Baby    (child of Art Brown; br. in Lot 14 S1/2 - just north of Finney baby.)

Sampson, Austin    (bd. in Allen Lot 25 - died in 1930) - brother of Amanda M. Allen

Ackerman, Orville    (unknown)    (also bd. in Allen Lot # 25, between Austin Sampson and Amanda Allen. child died at birth, 4 ladies were pallbearers.)

Warnock, Baby    (bd. Lot # 23 - father: Arthur Warnock)

Spanner, Ray    (bd. between Chas. Rejda and Theo Lingenfelder. He came from Healy, Alaska. No relatives at his funeral. He was killed in a pickup accident as he was driving out of Lingle, Wyo.)

Bass, Sharon    (died at birth : __-14-1943, son of Chas. and Mabel Bass)


The Following are located in the HARRIS MAUSOLEUM:

01) Harris, Autum C. (Mayes)    b. 1894    d. 1918    (wife of Lake Harris. Body buried in Lusk, Wyo; then later moved to Vault in Jay Em, when it was completed.)

02) Harris, Autumn    b. & d. 1918    (child of Lake and Autum)

03) Harris, Mrs. Anna Etscheid    186_-19__    (Mother of Lake Harris)

04) Harris, Mr. Silas    1860 - 1942    (Father of Lake Harris)

05) Harris, Dena    1884 - May 1948    (2nd wife of Lake Harris)

06) Harris, Lake C.    1889 - 1983