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Online cemeteries are underlined.  Just click on the cemetery name of interest to be taken there.

Have you transcribed a Goshen County cemetery and are willing to share it with other Goshen researchers?  If so, please contact me.

If you know of additional cemeteries that belong here, or know the address and phone number of any listed below, will you please contact me?  Thanks.


Name Address
Forest Mound Cemetery Jay Em
Hawk Springs Cemetery Hawk Springs
La Grange Cemetery La Grange
Lingle Cemetery Lingle
Old Fort Laramie Cemetery Fort Laramie
Prairie Center Cemetery Spoon Butte NW
Red Cloud Cemetery Jay Em NW
Torrington Cemetery 301 East 30th Avenue, Torrington WY 82240 (office: 307-532-4724)
Valley View Cemetery Lingle
Valley View Cemetery * 301 East 30th Avenue, Torrington WY 82240 (office: 307-532-4724)
Wyncote Cemetery 3 miles west of Lingle

* You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this pdf file.  You can obtain a free copy of the Adobe program here.

ADDITIONALLY:  Fort McPherson National Cemetery in Maxwell, Nebraska, opened in 1873 to consolidate twenty-two cemeteries in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Idaho, and Nebraska. By 1947, the project had been completed. The cemetery is plotted and indexed with control markers throughout the grounds; even so, there are 584 "unknown" graves. Copies of these records are in the National Archives and at Fort McPherson