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This page will be an archive of additions and corrections to the site.
Upon subsequent visits, this is the first page you'll want to have a look at since this
is where I will enter all new additions, updates and corrections.
Should you discover any broken links in
a section I've worked on, please let
know immediately.
The Surname Register has been updated.
See a 2nd transcription of the Maple Grove Cemetery in Haight Township - this
one submitted by Sheri Dahlstrom of Ontonagon County.
It would be to your benefit to compare the two. Several corrections were made in the
Cemetery records, thanks to a message from
Roehm. Michael Genrich updating Interior and
Barclay cemetery locations. Cat Nielsen alerted
me to broken links (the bane of of a webpage existence). Without the watchful eyes
of these four people, our site would be the poorer. Many thanks to them all
for their assistance and insight. |
The history of Ontonagon village is now
online, along with an information page regarding the 1896
fire which contains links to 6 newspaper transcriptions. Also, the
Vertical File is now open. |
Welcome to the new design for the
Ontonagon County GenWeb site! I still have a
few more things to add, but I'll continue working behind the scenes
try to get everything
online as I can. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what you see.
Even more, I
hope this site will assist you in your research. |