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Connie Berube Binsfeld

Former Lieutenant Governor Connie Berube Binsfeld is a native of Munising, Michigan, born April 18, 1924.  She is the first woman in Michigan history to hold leadership positions in the House, Senate, and Executive Office.  Binsfeld served in the House of Representatives 104th District from 1974-1982, in the Michigan State Senate 36th District from 1982-1990, and as Lieutenant Governor from 1990-1998.  She was one of Michigan's delegates to the Republican National Convention from Michigan in 1988, and was a candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan in 1992. 

In 1978, Binsfeld introduced the state's first domestic violence legislation.  She was the key figure in rewriting the state's Juvenile Code, requested the creation of a Special Commission on Adoption and introduced the nation's first bill successfully banning commercial surrogacy.

 As State Senator, Connie Binsfeld introduced and was responsible for a package of bills targeting various aspects of domestic assault, ranging from training police to handle domestic assault situations to improving techniques for gathering information and statistics for domestic assault cases such as the State Domestic Violence Act (1978), the Quality of Life Bonding Bill (1983), and the Binsfeld Commission on Adoption (1991-1992).  Binsfeld is a member of the League of Women Voters.

Lt. Gov. Connie Binsfeld wrapped up her 24-year career as a lawmaker and Lieutenant Governor in December, 1998, but her work on behalf of children continues.  During her career she distinguished herself as a leading advocate on behalf of children, family life and women as well as the natural environment.  She currently resides in Maple City, Leelanau County, Michigan.




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