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Obituary Index
Surname Register
Township Histories

Actually, I think I've named this page incorrectly.  It should technically be called "the people page."  The purpose of this page, once it really gets going, will be to serve as an index to even more pages.  Right now, it's its own index.  Here you'll find lineages, broken lines, individual bios, links to homepages with Alger County connections, our surname registry... and the like.  If you have material you'd like to submit, please contact me

Do you have individual families or generations of families you'd like to display at this site?  If so, please contact me.  You'll receive full credit for your work along with an email hyperlink so our site visitors can contact you.  This is a wonderful way for others to know your lines and recognize their own.  

The theory of this page is... a researcher may not extend from your great grandparent, but from one of his/her siblings.  Through that sibling, s/he will be able to identify you as a cousin.  Your name with the email hyperlink will provide the contact address.

The guidelines for this section are simple: 

1.  This section is for Alger County families.  They must have (at least) resided here for a period longer than a year.

2.  Please submit complete families only ~ or as complete as you can make them.  No single individuals on this page.

3.  Provide as much information as you can on the family as a group and as individuals (birth, death, marriage places and dates, etc.)

4.  Your family or family generations will go on an individual page by themselves.  You may use pictures and/or certificates in your display. 

5.  I will set your data to HTML coding, if necessary.  

6.  You have final approval on the way your material is displayed.  Once I receive that approval, I will announce your page online to the members of the MIALGER-L@rootsweb.com online discussion group.  Directly below this section, your family will be listed in an alphabetical index.

5.  E-mail your data to me by way of attachment.  In these days of computer viruses, please CONTACT ME BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR DATA so I'll know it's coming from a clean email address.  Otherwise, I will not open your attachment.


Individual Biographies

Alger, Russell Alexander (no, he wasn't from Alger County; however, the county was named after him.)

Binsfeld, Connie Berube - former Lieutenant Governor of Michigan

Homepages with Alger County Connections

The following homepages have a family connection in Alger county.
If you have a homepage with a Alger family connection and would like your homepage listed here, please email me. Thank you!

Shippee Family

Ylitalo Family



...that Major Russell E. Alger, Governor of Michigan 1885-1887, was a major in the 2nd Michigan Cavalry. Later, he was Colonel of the 5th Michigan Cavalry. From 1897-99, Alger served as US Secretary of War, then US Senator from Michigan, 1902-1907.  See his picture on the Almanac page.




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